Avicenna Graduate Oath

Dr. Temir Arapov
Builashev talaibek Sabralievich
Nasirova Svetlana Akbarovna

Pre-Graduation Hippocratic Oath

  • I do solemnly swear by that which I will be loyal to the profession of medicine and just generous to it’s members.
  • That I will lead my life and practice my art in uprightness and honor.
  • That into whatsoever house I shall enter, it shall before the good of side to the utmost of my power.
  • I holding myself aloof from wrong ,from corruption and from the temptation of others to vice.
  • That I will exercise my art solely for the cure of my patients, and will give no drug , perform no operation for a criminal purpose even if solicited , for less suggest.
  • That whatsoever , I shall see or hear of the lives of men which is not fitting to be spoken , I will keep secret.
  • These things I do promise , and in proportion as I am faithful to this my oath may happiness and good repute be ever.
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Avicenna International Medical University was established in 2019 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic at the address: Avenue shabdan batir 74 Bishkek city Kyrgyz Republic. Avicenna International Medical University is listed in World Health Organization Directory (W.H.O), Avicenna Directory, and FAIMER. Such students holding medical qualifications are eligible for the screening tests in any country of the world and subsequent recognition of their degree.

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